Who are we? (To work with me see my “Work with me” link in the menu above or click here).
Savvy Dad
Savvy Dad (originally Saver Saver UK/SOSUK) is run by Olly (Savvy Dad), proud parent of two little mini-savvies, and supported by friends and family. We set up the FB page and then the site to raise funds for Great Ormond Street Hospital and to generate funds ourselves to pay for the cost of us taking Little Savvy to London’s GOSH and Addenbrookes Hospital regularly for an at the time suspected heart issue.
Thankfully, Little Savvy no longer needs the expensive trips to London, but we still hope to share savvy saving tips for those like us who are trying to save every penny where they can and make their lives more frugal.
We aim to provide links to freebies, vouchers and provide information on where and how people can get the best value for money possible on a variety of things in life. Please comment and post your own deals to get this community really moving… WE NEED YOU!
I use my 14 years experience in primary teaching and early years education, and the frugal knowledge I’ve gained from running a money saving facebook community with over 16,000 followers, to help provide thoughtful insight on frugal living with a family.
Remember to get our deals quickly it is best to “like” our page on FB so you’ll see our posts in your social timeline. You can also follow us on Twitter, instagram and pinterest. All views on this blog are my own and I always recommend that readers seek professional financial advice on any big money decisions.
Enjoy the site and please chip in with your own comments and views,
Olly and the Savvies x