How to Help Kids Practice Internet Safety with FamilyTime App?

Since modern-day kids grow up using the latest technology and the internet, they begin to think they can practice internet safety by themselves. However, the reality is far from it. Some kids hardly realise the importance of internet safety and the gravity of the situation or the consequences of their actions. Therefore, we must prepare kids to make smarter choices and help them become responsible digital citizens. 

As parents, it is our responsibility to help kids practice digital safety through various tools, such as using internet filters. Parents must educate their kids about various online threats to help them make well-informed decisions.  

Let’s begin by understanding the importance of internet safety is, and what the phrase internet safety means.

What Does Internet Safety Include?

In general, Internet safety refers to the actions needed to avoid digital threats. 

From cyberbullying to sexual predators and online grooming to racism, etc., there is no shortage of threats that loom over our heads in the digital world. To avoid becoming a victim of these dangers, kids must learn to practice online safety. 

For instance, not sharing personal information, learning to spot catfishers/sexual predators, not keeping secrets from parents, etc., all fall under digital safety. Parents can take additional measures to promote the importance of internet safety and provide a safer online life for their kids. For example, they can use internet filters of a parental control app, such as FamilyTime, to block inappropriate websites and content. 

Establishing basic internet safety rules with kids is the first line of defense against digital threats. Here are a few rules you can use to empower your kids.

Rules of Practicing and highlighting the importance of Internet Safety

The first step in helping kids practice online safety is to provide them with a guideline – a few key points to help them remember the dos and don’ts. Let’s discuss a few examples to get you started. You can add or modify your own rules to the list as needed.

Be Smart with Personal Information

Specify what personal information means, and explain why kids mustn’t share it online. Things like their full legal name, residential/school address, banking information, social security number, phone numbers, etc., all count as personal information and must be kept private. Putting any of this information online can open doors to a slew of problems, such as cyberbullying, stalking, sexual predators, scammers, etc. 

Learn to Spot Predators/Scammers

There are several ways to spot online sexual predators, scammers, catfishers, etc. They have some characteristics in common. For instance, most of them make fake profiles with few candid pictures, show little to no information about themselves, have a small digital footprint, and often prefer to talk via online chatrooms, personal DMs, or offline text messages. They like to remain behind a curtain of anonymity and exploit their targets for favours (monetary or sexual). Beware of all strangers who approach you online and are extremely friendly. While it is good to be polite, revealing too much information about yourself (even to acquaintances) can put your safety in jeopardy.  

Be Responsible and Kind

Cyberbullying, racism, catfishing, etc., are social diseases that are rampant on social media platforms. Though many platforms filter/ban such things, some slip through and negatively affect our kids’ lives. 

Kids learn to be responsible individuals by standing up for what is right. Parents must teach their kids how to stand up to bullies in the best way possible instead of resorting to violence or displaying lewd behavior. You can begin by having a conversation or two at the dinner table.

Talk to Parents at the First Sign of Trouble

Kids need to know they can lean on their parents in case of trouble. If they feel insecure or fear getting punished, they will prefer keeping secrets. Talking to kids as friends is the best way of establishing a relationship based on trust and establishing the importance of internet safety. 

Parents must educate kids on internet safety instead of cutting them off from the world. Letting them grow in a bubble isn’t the best to protect them. Instead, we must empower them so they can handle the world, stand their ground, and make their mark.

Apart from having such conversations, parents can use parental control apps like FamilyTime parental control app to monitor their kids’ online/offline activities, calls & text messages, app usage, and more. It allows them to step in and take care of any issues in time and save their kids if needed.

Why is FamilyTime the Best Way to Practice Internet Safety?

The FamilyTime app offers a diverse range of features allowing parents to safeguard kids of all ages, including teenagers. Let’s explore how it can help you practice internet safety.

Internet Filter & Schedule – block age-inappropriate content/websites and grant internet access to kids at fully customizable times of your choice.

App Blocker – allow/block any apps you deem unsafe for your kids, including games and social media platforms.

Screen Time Limit & Schedule – parents can decide when and for how long their kids can use their devices.

Calls & Messages Monitoring – monitor their calls & messages for inappropriate conversations or to keep them away from the wrong crowd.

FamilyTime provides a wide array of services beyond the ones listed here. View the full range of its impeccable services, or sign up now to help your kids practice internet safety in the best possible way. 

Parenting kids of the digital age doesn’t have to be a nightmare anymore. You can rest easy knowing where they are and what they are doing without becoming a helicopter parent.

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