
Top 9 Google Ads Campaign Tips That Will Increase Your Earnings

Google Ads is a great way to increase traffic to your website and boost your earnings. In fact, in 2021 alone, Google ads attracted about £179 billion ($210 billion) in revenue globally, indicating how effective Google Ads are for many businesses. However, setting up a successful campaign can be tricky. From automating bidding to getting professional help, there are several factors to consider.

This blog post will discuss 9 tips to help you create a high-performing Google Ads campaign.

Automate Your Bidding Process

One of the most important aspects of a Google Ads campaign is your bid. This is the amount you’re willing to spend on each click. If you set your bids too low, you may not get many clicks. But if you set them too high, you could end up spending more money than necessary.

To get the most out of your Google Ads campaign, you should automate your bidding process. You could do this with the help of a tool like Optmyzr. Optmyzr is a bid management tool that helps you automatically adjust your bids based on various factors, such as conversion and click-through rates.

You can also use target CPA bidding, which allows you to set a target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) for your Google ad campaigns.

This means that you tell Google how much you’re willing to pay, on average, for each conversion that your ad generates.

Target CPA bidding can be an effective way to increase your earnings, as it helps you automatically adjust your bids based on various factors, such as the time of day and the searcher’s location.

Add Some Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are words or phrases that you don’t want your ad to show up for.

For example, let’s say you own a pet store that sells dog food. You wouldn’t want your ad to appear when someone searches for “cat food” or “bird food.”

Using negative keywords can prevent your ad from being shown to people who are not interested in what you’re selling.

Use Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are additional features you can add to your ads, which can help them stand out from the competition.

There are many different types of ad extensions, but some of the most popular include callouts, sitelinks, and call extensions.

Adding ad extensions can give your ads more real estate on the search engine results page (SERP), which can help you attract more clicks.

Employ Different Approaches for Different Devices

                                                                    Image Source: Unsplash

Consumers use different devices at different stages of the buyer’s journey.

For example, someone may use their desktop computer to conduct initial research on a product but then switch to their smartphone to make the purchase.

As such, it’s important to employ different approaches for each type of device.

To do this, you can create separate campaigns for each device type and then use different ad copy and bidding strategies for each campaign.

Create Separate Campaigns for Each Goal

Like with devices, creating separate campaigns for your various goals is essential if you sell multiple products or services.

This will allow you to track conversions for each product or service separately and adjust your campaigns accordingly.

For example, if you have a campaign selling both t-shirts and hats, you can create separate campaigns for each item and then use different ad copy and bidding strategies for each one.

This way, you can see which product is selling well and adjust your budget and keywords accordingly.

Supplement with a Call Tracking Software

While Google Ads offers many great features for tracking leads and conversions, they don’t have an effective solution for tracking customer phone calls.

That’s where call tracking software comes in.

A call tracking software like CallRail

  • will give you the ability to track which keywords are driving phone calls
  • helps you see how long each call lasts, and
  • tracks which calls turn into sales.

This information is critical for understanding which keywords are driving the most valuable leads so you can further adjust your campaigns to get the most out of them.

Always Test Your Campaigns

The best way to find out what works and doesn’t is to test your campaigns constantly. A/B testing is a great way to do this.

With A/B testing, you create two versions of an ad and then see which one performs better.

You can test things like ad copy, call to action, and the display URL. Once you find a winner, you can then apply those learnings to the rest of your campaigns. The ultimate goal is to find out what campaign elements are most successful so you can apply them to all your campaigns for the best results.

Use Geotargeting

If you’re selling a product or service only available in certain locations, then you need to make sure you’re using geotargeting. Since your goal is to optimize your click-through and conversion rates, geotargeting allows you to target ads to people in specific locations.

For example, if you’re a florist in Los Angeles, you would want to target your ads to people in Los Angeles. Geotargeting ensures that your ads are seen by people who are most likely to convert and also helps you save money since you’re not wasting impressions on people who can’t purchase your product or service.

Get Professional Help

tips for google ads campaigns
       Image Source: Unsplash

All said and done; you cannot do everything alone perfectly. Google Ads is a complex platform; unless you’re an expert, you will need help to get the most out of your campaigns.

Many agencies and consultants specialize in Google Ads and can help you create and manage your campaigns.

These professionals can also provide valuable insights into how to improve your campaigns so that you can get the best ROI possible.

If you’re serious about using Google Ads to grow your business, it’s worth investing in professional help.

Final Thought

Google Ads can be a great way to grow your business. By following these nine essential tips, you can create Google Ads campaigns that are more likely to be successful and generate a higher return on investment.

Investing in professional help can also pay off by ensuring that your campaigns are optimized for the best possible results.



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