Morrisons Veg Box – £5 to feed your family all week?

Entering the market with it’s own addition, high street supermarket chain Morrisons have introduced the Morrisons Veg Box. With a price tag of just £5 for a nice mixture of seasonal vegetable, this Morrisons Veg Box offering is a really tempting value bundle; particularly with the arrival of the colder weather and “soup season”.

So what do you actually get in the newly introduced Morrisons Veg Box?

You’ll find that the box varies throughout the seasons but Morrisons will list the contents on their website. Currently the Morrisons Veg Box has the following items included within…

  • 4 x White Potatoes
  • 4 x Brown Onions
  • 5 x Carrots
  • 2 x Courgettes
  • 2 x Leeks
  • 1 x Savoy Cabbage
  • 1 x Cauliflower
  • 1 x Swede

The life of the items is guaranteed at 3 days, but most will last longer. The courgettes will likely be the first to take a turn for the worst. If however, you plan the ingredients into your weekly planner it can easily support a few slow-cooker meals like stews and casseroles, some hearty soups and even support a roast for the weekend.

Photo: Morrisons

Are there any alternatives to the standard Morrisons Veg Box?

Morrisons offer an additional box, with slightly differing organic contents, however at £8 you’ll need to weigh up for yourself whether the Market Street Organic Morrisons Veg Box is for you. I’d suggest starting with the £5 box and seeing how you go, particularly as the reviews on Morrisons own website for the £5 Morrisons Veg Box are so good.

Are the Morrisons Veg Box offerings cheaper than other boxes?

In general the Morrisons Veg Box is cheaper than mail order boxes around. For example Riverford boxes start at £10.95 and whilst they have great reviews, they’re also twice the price! Milk and More offer a similar priced box, and for me here in the East the offer a Simply £10 bundle. So as you can see in general the Morrisons Veg Box is half the price of the competitors.

How does it stack up against buying the items separately?

Again, very favourably. Buying the ingredients separately we we only able to get the items cheaper once over a 2 week period and that was in store at our local Asda with reduced price produce. Otherwise, Morrisons have price this just right – the only thing you’ll really need to factor in is the price of variety as the boxes rarely change contents. That being said you get pretty generic staple ingredients that can be used in all manner of recipes.

Looking for some frugal and cost effective family meals for the week? Why not check out our warming pumpkin soup, or our hugely popular slow-cook chilli con carne which is perfect for the winter months.

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