Bitcoin Mining and Consensus – How Bitcoin Functions

Are you wondering how Bitcoin functions? Here is a guide on Bitcoin mining and consensus and how this virtual currency functions.

Mining is the process by which the money supply gains an addition of new Bitcoins. Mining also secures this digital money system against fraudulent transactions and spending the same amount of this virtual currency more than once.

Miners provide processing power to this electronic money system in exchange for the chance to be rewarded with new Bitcoins. However, if you are into trading, you may use a good bitcoin trading platform like

Moreover, miners validate new transactions and record them on the global ledger. After every ten minutes, a new block is created, adding a new block containing those recent transactions to the blockchain. Transactions that became part of a block and added to the blockchain are considered confirmed, thus allowing the new owners of this electronic money to spend the Bitcoin they received in those transactions.

After miners successfully solve a complex mathematical equation, they receive two types of rewards: new coins created with each new block and transaction fees from all the transactions included in the league. This complex mathematical problem is on a cryptographic hash algorithm. The solution to the problem, called the proof of work, is included in the new block and proves that the miner expended significant computing effort.

This digital currency has a security model based on the competition to solve the proof-of-work algorithm to earn rewards and the right to record transactions on the blockchain. Generally, the process of new coin generation is known as mining because the compensation has a design to stimulate diminishing returns. Therefore, through mining, we get to create the money supply of this electronic currency. This digital money goes through halving, whereby the rewards are divided into two every four years or after the mining of 210,000 Bitcoins have been mined. 

These electronic money miners also earn fees from transactions. Every transaction may include a transaction fee as a surplus of this virtual asset between the transaction’s inputs and outputs. The winning Bitcoin miner gets to keep the change on the transactions included in the winning block. 

Mining is the invention that makes this virtual currency special, a decentralized security mechanism that is the basis of peer-to-peer virtual currency. The rewards of newly minted coins and transaction fees are an incentive scheme that aligns miners’ actions with the network’s security.

What are Mining Pools?

The miner who discovers the solution to a puzzle first receives the mining rewards, and the probability that a participant will be the one to find the answer is equal to the proportion of the total mining power on the network. However, participants with a small percentage of the mining power stand a minimal chance of discovering the next block on their own. 

Third parties operate mining pools and coordinate groups of miners. By working together in a collection and sharing the payouts among all participants, miners can get a steady flow of this digital currency starting the day they activate their miners. 

Why Mining Consumes a Lot of Energy

In the early days of this digital currency, anybody could run a mining program from their PC or laptop. However, as the network became more prominent and more people became interested in mining, the mining algorithm became more difficult. 

Mining is becoming difficult because the code for this digital currency targets finding a new block once every ten minutes. If more miners are involved, the chances that somebody will solve the correct hash quicker increases, so the difficulty increases to restore that 10-minute goal. Many new machines consume energy when thousands and millions of people join the Bitcoin network. 

The Bottom Line

Mining this virtual asset is essential to validate and confirm new transactions on the blockchain and prevent double-spending. Also, mining is the only way the system introduces new Bitcoins.

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