Creating Short Video Content For Your Small Business in 2022

There are numerous advantages of using video marketing for small businesses; it can boost conversions, increase sales of your business and build brand reach. But, you cannot use all video types for your business as it varies from situation to situation and business to business.

For example, while launching a new product, you can start with explainers and how-to videos; for product promotion or any new update, you can create short videos. These days, people are busy maintaining their work-life balance and have no time for watching long videos. Therefore, you should keep in mind that the videos you create are short, and within the first ten seconds, you should convey the message.

Video creation is an art – you should know how to keep the excitement alive in customers so that they watch your video till the end. Ensure that there is a flow in your video and try to finish it within a minute as it has been observed that short videos get more views than longer ones.

Types of short videos you can create for small business

Here is a list of methods that you can use for getting the best results from your video content.

1) Start with customers’ problems

Within the first ten seconds of your video, show viewers how your product can solve their problems. When they see the benefits associated with your product, the chances of potential customers visiting your website and purchasing the products also increase.

Do not wait till the end of the video to explain the benefits, you can keep them engaged by saying that there is something more for them in the end. But make sure that you keep the introduction of your video catchy and it should focus on customers’ requirements.

2)  Create a video to tell your story –

There are a lot more video editing tools available in the market which come with everything from filters, effects, templates, stickers, tools, and more! One excellent advantage of a good online video editor is that it can do tasks comparable to those of a professional human video editor.

Through these tools, you save precious time. A video editor is designed to help you edit videos with your media quickly. You can even choose media from a massive library of stunning videos and music. Get your videos out in no time.

For building trust and fostering a better relationship with your customers, you can create a short video telling them about your story. With short videos start a conversation with your customers; you can make different kinds of videos, such as behind-the-scenes videos, live Q&A social videos on Facebook, a word from the CEO, etc.

These videos help create a personal connection with your target audience. In these videos, your focus should be on the problem for which you are offering a resolution and showing the business’s internal workings, history, values, ideas, and mission statement.

3) Provide quick education

One of the best things about short videos is that you have the opportunity to share the impact without any delay. Sometimes, explaining huge sheaths of information briefly becomes challenging, but you can do it easily by using visuals and graphics. In fact, the benefit of visuals is that people can retain them in memory for a longer time than written information.

So, you can use short videos and create a quick story or an ad for conveying your message. They make a better impact on the audience and that in turn can help increase brand awareness and boost sales.

4) Search engines love short videos –

Efforts put in creating good videos are wasted if they are not found on search engines. Short video content increases your ranking as compared to long videos. Therefore, to get a better ranking, you first need to create a short video, determine a suitable video platform, create an attractive thumbnail, and ensure that the page it’s on is appropriate and SEO-optimized.

Also, do not insert too many links or ads in your videos. The reason behind it is that if a viewer feels like there are too many ads, he or she might become resistant to your marketing efforts. 

5) Providing information and advertising –

Short videos are trending, and TikTok and Instagram videos are the proof. People like video content that is short and informative and stick to the main point. Prepare the script well in advance and focus on the main message rather than on beating around the bush.

You can use short videos to provide tips and information about your product, plus you can use them to promote your product and inform viewers about your upcoming webinars or Q&A sessions. You will be surprised to know that these videos work 10 times better than regular content.

6) Thank your customers –

Loyalty and personal touch are two important factors that bring your customers back. You can keep them closer to you by appreciating them; you can do this by sending a personal video stating that you are thankful for their support and purchases. Or addressing customer complaints as they arise in a transparent way to promote positive reviews. Don’t worry about creating such videos, as you can do this easily by using an online video editor.

Creating such videos is pretty easy; you just need to be creative while making such videos. These videos will help gain the loyalty of your customers and also strengthen your relationship with them.

7)    Showcasing user-generated content –

This is one of the most reasonable and effective methods of bringing in new customers and retaining existing customers. Mostly, people trust opinions provided by other customers; this is why they read reviews prior to purchasing a product.

You can also create short, user-generated content as part of your videos on your website and on any social media channel. To do this, you can contact your existing customers to take videos of your products and share the feedback.

With the help of such videos, you can promote your brand, stating that this is proof that you are offering a reliable and useful product.

8)    Create behind-the-scenes videos –

Including behind-the-scenes videos in your content makes customers feel that they are viewing something exclusive. This creates excitement in them, and they want to see more of it.

Customers like transparency; therefore, you can use live streaming to introduce people behind the brand.

Create a short video and share insights about your brand, how it is made, what machines are used and the people behind it. Behind-the-scenes videos offer viewers a different perspective of your brand and remove the wall between a business and its customers.

9) Create educational content –

As per data by Google, every year, views on how-to and educational videos that use phrases like ‘step by step’ and ‘beginners guide’ increase by 65%. Creating short, educational videos is a perfect technique to attract customers to your site or brand’s page; all you need to do is answer their queries.

Educational videos are not a new concept, but even today, they remain at the forefront when it comes to video marketing. The reason is clear: these videos make the buyers’ decision to purchase the product easy and quick.

You can create educational videos in no time as online video editing tools offer ready-made templates with the help of which you can create these videos without any hassle.

10) Create giveaway contests

This is something every customer waits for. People assume that the offer might disappear anytime; therefore, their eagerness and FOMO persuade them to take action instantly. Use short video formats for creating giveaway contests and start advertising about them.

The Bottom Line

These were some of the major benefits of creating short video content for small businesses in 2022. So, now is the time for you to convey your message with video content. Using a short video strategy can help your business grow, if done correctly. Embrace these videos, and hopefully, you will be able to create top-notch marketing videos.


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