The Perks of Being An Octopus Customer

As winter approaches, it’s important to prepare for higher energy costs and uncertainty in the energy industry due to global events. In this article, I’m going to unapologetically rave about why we think Octopus Energy is the bee’s knees. We’ll explore how Octopus Energy is one of the best UK energy providers in terms of customer satisfaction, customer benefits, transparency, and flexible/tracker tariffs with low standing charges. We will also showcase how Octopus Energy takes their customers’ interests seriously by allowing us to give readers the incentive to switch to them in order to get £50 credit for new customers, on top of the standing charges that haven’t risen and tariffs and service that are industry-leading.

Taking a Stand against Standing Charges

Octopus Energy has taken a stand against standing charges with a £40 million package to alleviate the financial pressure caused by existing standing charges on energy bills. We’re not huge fans of these stealth charges (which is what we believe standing charges are) since many who struggle with their budgets and cutting energy costs with heating, cooking, and lighting, can’t simply use less energy to avoid rising standing charge rates.

Standing charges are a daily fixed amount people are paying suppliers for gas and electricity and the level of these standing charges varies by region. Octopus Energy’s standard variable tariff customers will automatically receive a 4% reduction in standing charges compared to Ofgem’s price cap from 1st October showing that they’re actively going against the advice of Ofgem in order to give customers better value.

In addition, Octopus Energy also allows up to 100,000 customers who are struggling the most to be able to apply for what it described as “standing charge holidays” of up to six months. This standing charge support package for all customers will cost Octopus Energy around £30 million a year – again showing how the company is trying to give back to its loyal customers.

Octopus Energy’s standing charge stance is that high-standing charges are due to too many costs that have been loaded onto standing charges.

The Numerous Reasons Many Join Octopus Energy

Octopus Energy is the best UK energy provider for several reasons. First, they have high customer satisfaction ratings, with 5 stars on Trustpilot. They also offer customer benefits such as the Octo Assist Fund, which provides extra support for customers who are struggling to pay their bills. They are transparent and fair in everything they do and offer flexible tariffs with low standing charges, which are already the cheapest of any large supplier in the UK this winter (at the time of writing)

To switch to Octopus Energy, readers can use the £50 credit for new customers and the Octo Assist Fund. The Octo Assist Fund was set up in November 2021 as part of Octopus Energy’s campaign to help those worried about paying for their energy during this winter. Customers who are struggling to pay their bills can access the Financial Support form, which is a quick and simple online tool that asks a series of questions about their financial situation. Whilst everyone will have very different needs financially, hopefully, the switching incentive of £50 credit and the option to access the fund can help to get a responsible supplier starting a supportive journey for new customers this winter.

In addition, all customers on Octopus’s standard variable tariff, “Flexible Octopus,” will automatically receive a 4% reduction in standing charges compared to Ofgem’s price cap and potential access to the ability to apply for “standing charge holidays” of up to 6 months.

How to switch in seconds to Octopus’ Lowest Standing Charges and Flexible Tariffs

Switching to Octopus Energy is easy and can be done in a few simple steps:

  1. First, it’s worth checking your annual usage to compare your current prices with Octopus prices. Using accurate readings rather than selecting generic user types like low/medium/high will give you more accurate insight into the options available.
  2. Secondly, click on the £50 referral code link to switch to Octopus (You can click here or the image below).
  3. Input your postcode, then generate a quote.
  4. If you’re happy with the comparison, proceed with the switch. You’ll receive a confirmation email and the switch will begin.

Octopus Energy is also committed to renewable energy and has a range of tariffs that use 100% renewable electricity. This is important for customers who want to reduce their carbon footprint and support the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Here at Savvy Dad HQ, we urge all to consider how it is to prepare for higher winter costs and uncertainty in the energy industry due to global events. By switching to Octopus Energy, readers can find one of the best UK energy providers and get the support they need during this challenging time. If you’re not sold on them, let’s just summarise one more time:

  • Excellent 5-star high customer satisfaction ratings,
  • Customer benefits and prize draws when you submit meter readings
  • Transparency and Low Carbon credentials.
  • Flexible tariffs with low standing charges that have NOT been raised in October.
  • Support funds and potential payment holidays if needed.
  • £50 Credit for completing a simple switch today.

>>Check Current Rates & Claim £50 Credit<<

*Disclosure: This article is for entertainment and educational purposes only. Nothing on this site constitutes financial advice. I am not a financial advisor. You should always do your own research and consult a qualified financial advisor before making big decisions with your money as capital is at risk with any investment. This post may contain links to external sites and affiliates, Savvy Dad accepts no responsibility for how you use these external sites and services (see Site Terms and Privacy Policy).


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