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Conservatory Roof Insulation Panels: Benefits, Costs, and Drawbacks

The climate in the UK is never the easiest to predict, so setting up the rooms in your home to be a comfortable temperature is never the easiest thing to do – and conservatories, particularly those with polycarbonate conservatory roofing are even worse! That’s why today, we’re talking about conservatory roof insulation panels – an increasingly popular solution for conservatory owners around the UK looking to improve their energy efficiency and overall comfort.

The conservatory roof insulation panels on the market in the UK today are specially designed panels that fit over your existing conservatory roof. These provide the aforementioned additional insulation to your conservatory. This helps to regulate the temperature in your conservatory, keeping it cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. This helps to remedy the extremes of temperature that many conservatories have that usually render them unusable as social spaces throughout the year.

Conservatory insulation can be a crucial addition because conservatories are often built with large amounts of glass with high levels of thermal transfer, which can quickly make them uncomfortable and unusable in extreme temperatures. Not only does the insulation help to make your conservatory more comfortable, but it can also lead to significant savings on your energy bills and increase a property’s resale value.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look into why savvy readers might consider insulated conservatory roof panels and explore their benefits, cost, and overall value for money. We’ll also attempt to answer some frequently asked questions and provide an example of a company offering this service in the UK.

What Are The Benefits of conservatory roof insulation panels?

Insulated conservatory roof panels come with a whole host of benefits that can make a significant difference to your home. Here are just a few of those pros that are worth keeping in mind:

Energy Efficiency

Insulated conservatory roof panels work by providing a layer of insulation between your conservatory and the outside environment. This insulation helps to reduce the transfer of heat between your conservatory and the outside world.

In the winter, the insulation helps to keep the warm air inside your conservatory, preventing it from escaping outside. This means that your conservatory stays warmer for longer, reducing the need to turn up the heating and helping you to save energy and money.

In the summer, the insulation works in reverse, preventing the hot air from outside from entering your conservatory. This means that your conservatory stays cooler, reducing the need to use air conditioning and again helping you to save energy and money.

Overall, the insulation provided by insulated conservatory roof panels helps to make your conservatory (particularly those with polycarbonate conservatory roofing) more energy-efficient by reducing the amount of heat that is lost or gained through the roof. This increased energy efficiency can lead to significant savings on your energy bills over time.

Illustration: Heat loss and thermal transfer are one of the main reasons UK homeowners don’t get the most out of their conservatories. Could Insulated Conservatory Roof Panels be the answer to all-year comfort and efficiency if you have polycarbonate conservatory roofing?

Cost Savings for conservatory roof insulation panels

Insulated conservatory roof panels can help you save money in the long run because they reduce the amount of energy needed to keep your conservatory comfortable. By reducing the amount of energy you use, you’ll see a decrease in your energy bills. This means that over time, the cost of installation will be offset by the savings you make on your energy bills where heating systems are linked and running in the conservatory.

It is worth also considering that because insulated conservatory roof panels improve the energy efficiency and rating of your home, they can also increase the overall value of your property. This is because energy efficiency is an important factor that many home buyers consider when looking for a new home. A more energy-efficient home can be seen as more desirable, which can lead to an increase in your home’s value.

Roughly speaking, heating your conservatory can result in a household using 10-15% more energy for space heating. That’s a lot of extra wasted money going straight through the roof! According to the Energy Saving Trust an uninsulated home can lose 25% of heating through the roof and with so much glazing in conservatories even more can be lost. In fact, according to a survey carried out by the Department of Energy and Climate Change, the average conservatory owner uses an extra 4,800 kWh per annum. Which at 30p per kwh (based on our Octopus Energy tariff at the time of writing) equates to £1500 per year! A study also revealed that Modelling using the Cambridge Housing Model shows that households can use at least 13% more energy for space heating if they heat their conservatories. That’s money going straight through the roof. This is why the government only charge 5% VAT on our product as it is a proven energy saver.. It’s important to consider these costs and explore more energy-efficient options, like insulated conservatory roof panels, to save money and reduce your carbon footprint.

Noise Reduction

Insulated conservatory roof panels can help to reduce the amount of noise that enters your home, making your conservatory a more peaceful and enjoyable space to be in. When sound waves from outside (such as traffic or neighbours’ parties) enter your conservatory, they can bounce around and echo off the hard surfaces, making the noise louder and more disruptive.

Insulated conservatory roof panels work by adding an extra layer of insulation between your conservatory and the outside world. This insulation helps to absorb sound waves and prevent them from bouncing around inside your conservatory. The result is that the noise levels inside your conservatory are reduced, making it a more peaceful and enjoyable space to be in.

So, if you’re currently experiencing traffic noise or loud neighbours when you’re in your conservatory, installing insulated conservatory roof panels could help to reduce the amount of noise you hear. This can make your conservatory a more relaxing and enjoyable space to spend time in, whether you’re reading a book, enjoying a cup of tea, or simply taking in the view.

Increased Comfort

With insulation installed, your conservatory can be a haven of cosiness and comfort all year round. You could enjoy a lazy afternoon reading your favourite book, or maybe even host a fun family game night without worrying about feeling too hot or cold. The added insulation can help you can create the perfect temperature to relax and unwind, making your conservatory a versatile and enjoyable space for any occasion.

Conservatories with this insulation installed can even now be potentially used year-round for more heat-intensive workouts or used as a personal fitness room or gym thanks to the improved and more comfortable summer temperatures inside the room.

It is also worth noting that if you’re intending on using your conservatory as a home office, the harmful UV rays (even in the winter) will be minimised if you have roof panels installed.

Environmental Benefits

If you’re passionate about creating a more eco-friendly and sustainable home, insulated conservatory roof panels can be an excellent addition to your sustainability efforts. By reducing your energy consumption and improving your home’s energy efficiency, you’ll also be reducing your carbon footprint and contributing to a greener future.

Not only are insulated conservatory roof panels a sustainable choice, but they also offer a range of benefits that can make a real difference to your home. From saving you money on energy bills to increasing your home’s value and creating a more comfortable living space, they’re a worthwhile investment for any homeowner looking to improve their home.

So, if you’ve already made other sustainable swaps in your home and are looking for more ways to reduce your environmental impact, insulated conservatory roof panels are definitely worth considering.

Insulated Conservatory Roof Panels
Photo: According to a report by the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), as of 2020, there were an estimated 3.9 million homes in the UK with a conservatory. Image courtesy Unsplash (Free Usage Rights)

What is The Usual Cost of Insulated Conservatory Roof Panels?

You are most likely wondering about the cost of insulated conservatory roof panels? Well, there are a number of things to consider when estimating a cost.

Firstly, the cost of insulated conservatory roof panels can vary wildly depending on your conservatory’s quality, method, size and shape. The type of panels used, along with installation complexity might be the biggest factors. For a small conservatory (around 3m x 3m), the cost of professional installation could range from £2,000 to £4,500. For a larger conservatory (around 8m x 4m), the cost could rocket up to £10,000. However, because the companies, materials and methods vary so much, it’s essential to get a quote from a professional installer before setting your hopes on this and outlaying funds you might not have.

While DIY options such as solar control film, aluminium foil, or thermal wadding may seem more affordable, it’s worth noting that these methods may not provide the same level of insulation as professionally installed insulated conservatory roof panels. These methods may also not look as aesthetically pleasing and may require frequent maintenance and replacement, which can add to the overall cost. Whilst many DIY enthusiasts might choose this option, it’s important to be honest about your skills and knowledge to avoid damaging your property value.

Professionally installed insulated conservatory roof panels can be a worthwhile investment in the long run, as they can lead to significant energy savings and increased home value. While the initial outlay of funds may be higher than other insulation methods, the potential return on investment can make them more sustainable long term. Without a doubt, it’s worth comparing companies, getting quotes and asking for testimonials. Don’t be afraid to ask for details of previously completed installations that you might be able to physically view and assess their quality first.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re considering insulated conservatory roof panels, you may have some questions about whether they’re right for you. Here are some frequently asked questions to help you make an informed decision:

Are insulated conservatory roof panels suitable for all types of conservatories?

No. Simply put, while the installers out there can work with most common types of conservatories, there are a few exceptions. For instance, if your conservatory’s roof slopes towards your property or is enclosed due to additional building work or extensions, insulated roof panels may not be the perfect fit. Don’t fret though, consulting a qualified professional installer can ensure that your conservatory gets the love it deserves!

How long does the installation process take?

The duration of the insulated conservatory roof panels installation process can differ based on the dimensions and intricacy of your conservatory. But generally, it could take between 24 to 72 hours to complete.

What are the maintenance requirements?

Keeping your conservatory roof panels in top shape is easy and hassle-free! Insulated conservatory roof panels are designed to be low maintenance, so you can sit back and relax knowing your conservatory is well protected. All you need to do is give them a gentle clean and check them once in a while to ensure they’re doing their job. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and maintenance, as this will help to ensure the longevity of your panels. As a rule of thumb, make sure to inspect the panels annually and give them a quick clean with a mild detergent and soft cloth as needed. Your conservatory will thank you for it!

Will insulated conservatory roof panels affect the appearance of my conservatory?

When it comes to insulated conservatory roof panels, you generally don’t need to worry about them being an eyesore. When looking at potential installers, ask for images of complete jobs to see what aesthetic they have. Panels, in general, are designed to seamlessly blend in with your existing roof, so you can enjoy all the benefits of a well-insulated conservatory without needing to sacrifice its beauty. That being said, you may want to think about the colour and style of your panels to make sure they match the look and feel of your conservatory. With so many options to choose from, it is worth shopping around until you find the perfect fit for your home!

How long will insulated conservatory roof panels last?

On average, insulated conservatory roof panels can last for 25 years or more with proper maintenance and care. However, there are a few common issues that can affect their lifespan. For example, moisture buildup or damage to the panels can lead to issues like mould, mildew, or rot, which can shorten the lifespan of the panels. It’s also important to ensure that the panels are installed correctly and securely to prevent any issues with sagging or shifting over time. Regular inspection and cleaning can help to identify any issues early and ensure that the panels last as long as possible.

Can I insulate my conservatory roof myself?

While it’s possible to install insulated conservatory roof panels yourself, it’s not recommended unless you have significant DIY experience. The installation process can be complex, and mistakes can lead to leaks and other issues. It’s also possible that you won’t benefit from warranty or guarantee perks if you do your own installation. For example, the installation company, Sagars 365, offer a 10-year guarantee on their installations for peace of mind. Unless you’re choosing the thermal wadding or solar film options,  we think it’s best to hire a professional installer to ensure a safe and effective installation.

An example Company Offering Insulated Conservatory Roof Panels in the UK – Sagars 365

Sagars 365 is a professional insulated panel installer based in central England that offers a range of installation options for insulated conservatory roof panels. They provide a free, no-obligation survey and quotation service to help you determine the best insulation solution for your conservatory. Sagars 365 also offer a wide range of panel options, including multi-layered insulation panels (designed to reflect radiant heat) and bespoke timber frame systems.

They also offer a range of decorative finishes to match your existing roof styles, such as tile or slate effect finishes. With a team of experienced installers, Sagars 365 can complete the installation process quickly (their website states within the day in some cases) and efficiently, ensuring minimal disruption to your home.

As mentioned in the last section, they also offer a comprehensive 10 guarantee for their products and workmanship, providing peace of mind for homeowners looking to invest in energy-efficient conservatory insulation.

So, are they right for you?

Insulated conservatory roof panels are a proven energy-saving product that can help households reduce their heating bills by preventing heat loss during winter and reflecting up to 98% of radiant energy during summer, making it cooler. According to the Department of Energy and Climate Change, the average conservatory owner uses an extra 4,800 kWh per annum, which can cost, at current rates, around £1500 per year.

Insulated conservatory roof panels are a cost-effective solution to this problem, as they can help prevent heat loss and reduce energy consumption. Aside from their energy-saving benefits, insulated conservatory roof panels offer other advantages. They can help reduce noise from rain (particularly if you have polycarbonate), protect furniture and furnishings from UV fading, and eradicate insect or pest problems. They are also easy to maintain and wipe clean. Because these panels are a proven energy-saving product, they only attract a 5% VAT, making them an attractive option for homeowners looking to save money on their energy bills. If you’re considering them, get professional advice and quotes using the links and tips above in order to be completely up to date with the latest rates and installation methods.

*Disclosure: This article is for entertainment and educational purposes only. Nothing on this site constitutes financial advice. I am not a financial advisor. You should always do your own research and consult a qualified financial advisor before making big decisions with your money as capital is at risk with any investment. This post may contain links to external sites and affiliates, Savvy Dad accepts no responsibility for how you use these external sites and services (see Site Terms and Privacy Policy).


  1. Hello, would it be worth insulating/panelling some of the roof “windows” but leaving a couple as glass to retain the light.

    Similarly, would it be worth insulating any of the vertical windows to make them “walls”?

    Ideally this would do enough to allow removal of the big internal sliding doors so it can become a single large space.

    Thanks so much

    1. Hi there, we’d recommend speaking to a well reviewed installer like Sagars365 for a quote or advice. Where abouts are you based? If you’re in Sagars365 area ( https://sagarsconservatoryroofinsulation.com/ ), and you’re happy for us to do so, we can pass on your email to a contact we have there. Just email us at contact@savvydad.co.uk with your details and confirmation you’re happy for us to pass them on.

      1. Thanks but I’m down south so miles away. It was more a theoretical question I suppose. Would partial roofing make enough difference to use year round

  2. I’m down south so a bit far for them. It was a theoretical question really, can it be done and would there be any tangible improvement in heat retention or must the entire roof be done

    1. Hi Giles, I’d recommend speacking to an intaller in your area to glean their thoughts. We are inclined to believe that whilst the materials between installers might vary slightly, most will offer the same rough product as it’s essentailly framing, wadding and boarding. Obviously, different sales teams will charge different amounts depending on their angle/USP. I’m inclined, in my limited experience of these, to agree with your hypothesis though. It makes sense that a percentage intallation of say 75%, would at least impact noticably.

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